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Android Spy Software

Android Mobile Spy Software

Mobile Spy was the first and remains the premier spy software for the Android operating system. Now you can use the powerful monitoring features of Mobile Spy on your Android device! Works with ALL Android models, even the new Motorola Devour and T-Mobile MyTouch 3G!

Mobile Spy will reveal the truth for any company or family using these types of smartphones. You can SILENTLY learn the truth about their calls, text messages and GPS locations by logging into your Mobile Spy account from any web browser. Now you can view all photos and videos taken by the phone too

Program Description

Mobile Spy is a hybrid software/service which allows you to monitor your smartphone in real time. This unique system records the activities of anyone who uses your Google-powered device. You install a small application. It starts at every boot of the phone but remains stealth.

After the software is setup on your phone it will record SMS text messages and call activities and then silently upload the data to your private Mobile Spy account using the Internet. The software also records GPS locations every 15 minutes when signal is available. The GPS rate is adjustable.

When you want to view results, simply login to the Online Control Panel from any computer or phone web browser and enter your username and password to proceed.

تاریخ : چهارشنبه 93/6/26 | 1:30 صبح | نویسنده : حسین مرتضوی | نظرات ()
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